Halloween Costumes


With tens of thousands of Halloween costumes to wear this season when your out and about in Michigan, its a very hard choice. What will the kids dress up as for Halloween when we take them trick or treating? Will there costume be safe? What should I dress up as going to the big Halloween party? I want to dress as a zombie for the zombie walk in Michigan this year, how do I do it?

Well we are going to put together a few of the most popular costumes to get your ideas going.


Halloween Costumes For the Kids:

Spiderman costumes, Power Ranger Kids Costumes, Angry Birds Halloween costumes in any color, and of course any Disney costume for boys and girls are always a favorite.

A lot of the younger boys of course enjoy dressing up as little monster when treat or treating out on Halloween night in Michigan. Just remember though some schools do not allow scary costumes to be worn to school on Halloween day in Michigan.


Halloween Costumes for Teens:

Most teens these days when going out in Michigan always love a few of these costumes. Zombie costumes, ganster customes, rocker costumes, mad hatter costumes, french maid costumes and a few others.


Adult Halloween Costumes for Michigan Adults:

Yes adults in Michigan do dress up for Halloween. What are some of the most wanted Halloween costumes ideas for this year.

We will list a few of the Top Sexy, Scary and Funny Halloween costumes soon.